Michael Friis Johansen
Selected book reviews
Moon Spotlight
Newfoundland and Labrador

From Amazon.ca:
May 16, 2014
This book is more compact in size than most travel books so will fit into a backpack easily. It is also dedicated to Newfoundland & Labrador only. While the book gives a overview of the province, it could use more detail. One of the difficulties in planning a trip to the island is finding places to stay as most accommodation seems to be private B&B's or small "inns". The traveller cannot always count on showing up somewhere and finding a place to stay so more info on accommodations would be helpful. Most of the information can be found in other travel books and on the internet (where we found our accommodations). I had hoped this book would have more insight into the islands history and life (e,g. nothing on St. Brendan's Island) since it was written by someone who has spent significant time. This book, because of it's size, will be travelling with us as it will give us a brief outline of many of the places we will see along the way.
From Amazon.com:
Feb. 27, 2013
Handy guide to an area I am unfamiliar with
A resonably priced guide book to get started on planning a trip to NL. In these days on-line also is a way to discover the area and make decisions. I am glad I purchased this guidebook; I have found Moon puts out a good product.
June 30, 2013
It is surprising how few guide books are available for Newfoundland. This one is OK, but falls well short of what I had in Iceland, Ireland, Yellowstone etc. Much of the information is outdated (particularly times of operation for museums, which are usually wrong). I liked the writers style however, probably got it bumped up to 3 stars instead of 2. Don't plan on relying exclusively on this, as it lists so few restaurants and lodging places. Little information on hiking. Supplement this guide book with the freebee guide at the airport, which itself is often out of date (even through produced for 2013 in my case). I wish something better had been available. Fortunately, Newfoundland seems to have embraced the internet and has WiFi at the airports, government sites, parks, museums, hotels and even most B&Bs.