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Mars my destination

I am going to Mars next year. Nothing can stop me now: I already have my boarding pass for a rocket ship to the Red Planet.

Exploring Cambodia Street

Despite what it's called, West Jakarta's Jalan Kamboja (Cambodia Street in English) does not seem to have much to do with Cambodia.

Poolside encounter

A single conversation can sometimes reveal many of the tripwires of Indonesia's social minefield.

Tolerance is not enough

Tolerance does not require a change of heart. Tolerance does not remove the motive to do harm, it only stays our hand.

This air we breathe

It is no coincidence that when I wake up in the morning with a bad headache, thick smog prevents me from seeing Jakarta’s Monas Square or...

Tear down this dam!

The only obvious way the ill-conceived Muskrat Falls hydroelectric station will be of any future benefit to the people of Newfoundland...

Maybe just an old stone

Unfortunately, it looks like the northeastern Canadian territory of Labrador might not be the cradle of all life on Earth after all. A...

Jakarta without cars

Once every week Indonesia’s capital reveals how beautiful, quiet and clean it could actually be, if it only tries hard enough. The hotel...

An enigma wrapped in plastic

Call it instant garbage: How much wrapping does any one thing need? Inside the paper bag was a plastic bag. Inside the plastic bag the...

PPAWS to the rescue

The animal’s attack was relentlessly vicious. Sharp teeth sank fast and deep over and over again, gouging and ripping. The only way I...

Bracing for impact

Dealing with Jakarta's chaotic traffic, on and off the street, sometimes requires drastic and unexpected action - and some tolerance for...

Thunder from a winter sky

An introduction of sorts to the concept that while the world might be coming to an end, we can still hope for the best and write about it...

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All text and photographs (with a few noted exceptions) are produced by and copyright of Michael Friis Johansen.


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